500 most frequently occurring words in school names

What’s in a name? You can tell a lot about the culture and history of a nation from how it names its streets, towns and public institutions. Remarkable achievements can be commemorated in a name or erased by simply changing a sign. Edubase, the Department of Education’s online database of schools, colleges and education institutions contains …

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There are over 150 job titles for school and university leaders (and most of them are probably named Sarah or David!)

A brief delve into Edubase this week revealed a couple of interesting statistics. School leaders are most likely to be called Sarah or David but you have little chance of accurately guessing their actual job title. This is because there are over 150 different job titles listed in the DfE’s online database. OK, so some …

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Beware of the echo chamber

A picture appeared in my Facebook feed this morning that is a timely reminder for us all to be aware of the echo chamber effect. I’ve reproduced it later in this blog. It reminded me that the views and opinions we receive via social media are, adverts aside, ones we have chosen to see. Our contacts …

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SBM Roundtable and election reflections

Election Outcome What a week it’s been. We now have a minority Conservative government which will need alliances and compromises to achieve a working majority. It looks like the Democratic Unionist Party have the whip hand in these negotiations for the time being. Inevitably this will temper some of the policies and plans the Conservatives …

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Who are the DUP?

In the last of my animations, one I did not expect to be producing, I outline the main policy aims of the Democratic Unionist Party. As a result of last Thursday’s general election, they now hold the balance of power under ‘supply and confidence’ arrangements and will support Theresa May as she seeks to get …

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It’s all about the money

With a week to go until the 2017 General Election, it is crucial that we keep up pressure on politicians. We need to drive home the message that there is a funding crisis in education and that they must reverse the funding cuts. Weasel words and false promises of protection won’t pay staff salaries. The …

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